
Agriplant further sharpens precision with the introduction of five-row automatic transplanting machine

Agriplant further sharpens precision with the introduction of five-row automatic transplanting machine

17 September 2021
After last year Agriplant already expanded the Agriplanter range with the 6SP-A, a fully automatic six-row planting machine, it is …
Plug planter reduces tomato labour, covers more acres

Plug planter reduces tomato labour, covers more acres

25 September 2020
Ontario’s vegetable industry is poised to take a large step forward with the introduction of a new automated planting system …
Automated planting with Agriplanter

Automated planting with Agriplanter

25 September 2020
The development of fully-automated transplanters for plants with a root ball is continually evolving. Belgian company Agriplant’s transplanter machines are …